
232 Pages
ISBN 9780989896641

Shelly never saw the need for companionship outside of her father and Professor Yates. Now her father is gone and Professor Yates is pushing her to step out her front door, out of her comfort zone. Then there’s Jay. His comfort zone includes the entire universe and he is bound and determined to drag Shelly along with him.

In honor of her father’s memory, Shelly picks up one of their old pastimes, genealogy. She figures it would be nice to know where she came from. It would be nice to belong. What would it feel like to belong?

Everyone seems to have a place in the world where they belong. Except Shelly.

Ruth O'Neil

About Ruth O'Neil (Richmond, Virginia Author)

Ruth O'Neil

Ruth O’Neil was born and raised in upstate New York and attended Houghton College. She has been a freelance writer/editor for more than twenty years. She has published hundreds of articles in dozens of publications as well as publishing a few books. She has spent the last few years working in publishing, working closely with writers editing their books and preparing them for print. Teaching Writer's Forums to help want-to-be authors break into print with either freelancing or book publishing has been one of her passions.

A couple of years ago she began teaching writing classes at a local homeschool co-op. Here she now teaches younger writers to develop their own freelancing career, write their own novel, or create their own picture book. Teaching the next generation of writers is probably the most fun she's ever had!

You can visit her at or on her website at