Casey's Creatures

Casey's Creatures
34 Pages
ISBN 978-1945667329

The Casey's Creatures program educates people about animals in a fun and exciting way. The squeals that Mr. Casey often elicits from his audience are from pure delight rather than from fear of the many live creatures he presents. The animals featured in this book are some of these creatures, along with photographs of the animals and fun educational facts about their species. Kids (and adults too!) will enjoy learning more about Mr. Casey’s many creatures.

Jonn T. Casey

About Jonn T. Casey (St. Joseph, Missouri Author)

Jonn T. Casey

You may be wondering who is this crazy guy who owns all these snakes, spiders, and other creatures and goes around talking about them, encouraging his audience to touch, hold, and experience these creatures first-hand. His name is Jonn Casey and he is a teacher, biologist, and all-around funny guy. Jonn has earned a BS in Natural Science/Biology Emphasis/Minor Chemistry with Teacher Certi-fication from MWSU and an MAEd from Baker University. He is a member of the National Science Teachers Association, the National Association of Biology Teachers, the Missouri Stream Team, Missouri Forest Keepers, and the Pony Express Amphibian and Reptile Society. He is currently a high school science teacher at South Holt R-1 School District and an adjunct Biology professor at Missouri Western State University.