Dispensing Justice – Nova Genesis World #1

Dispensing Justice
418 Pages
ISBN 978-0984795536

In 1947, a near-Earth supernova's wavefront washes the solar system with cosmic radiation. Thirty-seven years later, high school freshman Michael Gurick's father is killed by supervillains. Michael takes up his father's super-identity to seek justice --- or will it be revenge?

Fritz Freiheit

About Fritz Freiheit (Ann Arbor, Michigan Author)

Fritz Freiheit

My first memories are of watching the Lone Ranger and JFK's funeral on TV. I discovered Heinlein in my middle school library, and have been avidly consuming sci-fi and fantasy, sometimes to the detriment of my grades and social life, since then. I graduated from East Lansing High School, Michigan, in 1977, but my taste in music didn't crystallize until 1985 when I found myself in Los Angeles, recruited to write a Japanese language parser after spending a year in Japan working for Sumitomo Electric. A decade after that I graduated from the University of Michigan with a Masters of Science in Artificial Intelligence and got married. It would be another decade before I finished my first novel. I live in Ann Arbor, Michigan where I irritate my wife and daughter by listening to 80's music.

I self-published my debut novel Dispensing Justice in December of 2011.