Dog Tails of Oggie Doggie

Dog Tails of Oggie Doggie
24 Pages
ISBN 978-1-4951-0437-7

Oggie Doggie is inspired by a true story. Many of us are familiar with the parable of the prodigal son. It's a path some of us end up taking on our journey in life. In Oggie's case, just a desire to see what is on the other side of the fence, lead him astray.

Have you ever had something you loved so much, only to find it has disappeared? This is the story of a woman and her best friend, Oggie Doggie. Find out what kind of mischief Oggie gets into!

Enjoy this story with your child, seeking out the hidden frog on each page, almost as if to see that we all have the watchful eye of someone who cares.

Janna Wuest

About Janna Wuest (St. Joseph, Missouri Author)

Janna Wuest

Janna Wuest and her husband, Buddy, make their home on a farm in Northwest Missouri. Growing up as a city girl, she never imagined that she would be led to the life of tractors, combines, and cows. She says her marriage to Buddy is her greatest achievement, but she'd love to talk to you about her nine grandchildren and their parents!

Dreams have always been a big part in Janna's life and when she heard her friend mention "living the dream" it made her stop in her tracks and ask, "what really are my dreams?"

Well, you are looking at one of them! This is the first of many children books stirring in her heart. Janna's thoughts are to live the life you've imagined. Remember, your dreams are important. Without them you just exist.