Empty Sky

Empty Sky
334 Pages
ISBN 978-1535545792

Jamie's mother has vanished and his father is falling in and out of an inexplicable coma. Now he and his dog, Shem, have been tasked with saving the world's dreams.

Their quest will take them from Michigan's Upper Peninsula to Dartmouth College where a neurophysiologist has developed a dreaming computer named Ann. Along the way they get help from the Guardians of the Moon, creatures who carry our dreams to and from us, and some heroic people who've lost the ability to dream. But one division of the NSA and especially Earl Pangiosi knows that dreaming is powerful and important, and will use all their power to stop Jamie from succeeding.

What does it mean to dream, to hope? To wake up each morning with the belief that today will be better than yesterday? And if we lose the ability to hope, to dream, to wish, to believe in better tomorrows? What happens when people don't want to dream yet can't wake up? And what if humans aren't the only ones who can dream?

Jamie McPherson and his dog, Shem, discover where dreams are kept and who guards them, and why people are losing the ability to dream. Jamie is willing to help but to do so he must make what seems a boy's ultimate sacrifice, the loss of his best friend, and with it the loss of his innocence.

Joseph Carrabis

About Joseph Carrabis (New Hampshire Author)

Joseph Carrabis

Personally, I think I'm rather boring and dull. I figured that wouldn't make good copy so I asked a bunch of friends how they'd describe me. Everybody said I was "intriguing". That's a nice double-edged word, don't you think? Kind of like something you want to stare at from a distance or with a good, solid, thick piece of steel reinforced glass between you and whatever you're looking at. Me, if I think something's intriguing, I want to know more about it but I don't want to get too close while getting to know more about it. Know what I mean?

Next came "multi-dimensional, refined and cerebral" and in that order except for one person who actually used "refined and cerebral" together. Okay. I might get invited to more parties being "multi-dimensional, refined and cerebral" than simply "intriguing". Probably depends on the type of party.

Then came, to me, the good stuff: loves to talk around a campfire, loves to fly kites, finds joy in the simple things, loves to cook for friends, befriends all sorts of wildlife (raccoons, skunk, opossum, deer, turkey, coyote, gray and red fox, hawk, deer, squirrel, chipmunk, finches, robins, snakes, turtles) to the point that they come up and take food from his hand (this one I can verify as can most people who come over to visit us in the evenings), always ready to help his friends and strangers when asked, makes pizza to die for, loves long walks with his wife and dog, ...

One friend wrote "You want to know about Joseph Carrabis? He's a master story-teller with a sharp sense of humor. He's a musician and an extraordinary pizza maker. He flies kites that are so big they would tear my arms off, and he knows the best diners with the best pie in New England. He taught me what real coffee should taste like, and how to really enjoy a good cigar. He can bring forth the joy of a five year old in one moment, and the wisdom of a thousand year old sage the next. He's someone who can help you change how you experience the world, and you'll laugh harder than you thought possible while it's happening. Don't ever buy into his 'I'm boring and dull' line." I find that flattering (blush). I won't attest to its accuracy, only that I'm flattered by it.