Esther & Me

Esther & Me
266 Pages
ISBN 9781530379538

When Steve and Sarah move to Temple Gardens, Steve feels like he's been transported from a small farming town to the heart of New York City. There are millions of things to see and do and Sarah attempts to do them all. While his wife line dances in the town square, Steve meets Esther, an 87-year-old women who swears like a drill sergeant, drinks like a sailor on leave, and knows everything that goes on in Temple Gardens, even it's secrets.

Each evening while his wife parties with the Temple Garden crowd. Esther fills Steve in on all the gossip. She warns him about an alternative lifestyle that some of the residents enjoy. When they attend a party thrown by their closest friends, Steve observes changes in Sarah's behavior. He begins to have serious doubts about the integrity and future of their marriage.

Steve confides in Esther, and then sets in motion a chain of events he hopes won't end their marriage. His life will never be the same... Esther will see to that.

Stephen Leitschuh

About Stephen Leitschuh (The Villages, Florida Author)

Stephen Leitschuh

Stephen Leitschuh was born in Minnesota. He currently lives in Florida with his wife and several rescue dogs. He comes from a large family of ten. He served as a Marine in the military and did a tour of Viet Nam during the hight of the war.

His novel "Esther and Me won 2nd place at the 2016 Royal Palm Literary Awards for Romance Fiction. In the last two years he has had four of his novels up for awards. His short stories have been published in several anthologies and have won acclaim.

Steve draws his ideas from his life experiences. Steve writes about life, marriage, divorce, children, and the conflicts they bring. His novels and short stories bring to life the emotions we all experience and how we deal with them.