High Cotton Country

High Cotton Country
358 Pages
ISBN 978-0692328804

Secrets. Hidden they can destroy her from within. Revealed they can explode her world.

A message that her father is dying sends a reluctant Cazzie Randle to his bedside but not to reconcile a lifelong estrangement. She must make him finally reveal the secrets of the memories that haunt her. He must answer the question "Why?" Why did he abandon her? Why did her mother commit an act of unspeakable horror?

An explosion of truth in a dusty Texas hill country town reveals old secrets and demands choices. But will she be able to choose or will she be paralyzed by all the old hurts, cruelty and betrayals that have driven her all her life? To find the answer, Cazzie must confront the very essence of who she has become and question whether the price was too high.

Leta McCurry

About Leta McCurry (Prescott, Arizona Author)

Leta McCurry

Tale-spinner. Revealer of secrets. A dog’s best friend. Cornbread and fried okra country girl.

Lives in Northwestern Arizona, and enjoys writing, reading, the open road on a motorcycle (trike–as a passenger), good food, travel and a large, fun-loving family. Favorite destination: Ireland. Author of “High Cotton Country” and “A Shadow Life” and presently writing her third novel, “Dancing to the Silence.”

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