Murder Before Pleasure

Murder Before Pleasure
346 Pages
ISBN 978-1530708932

Rupert Baxter comes from a law enforcement family. He is currently the Sheriff of Fair City, Iowa, just like his father before him. This quiet town is snuggled in the midst of prime Iowa farmland and surrounded by three large cities called the Tri-Cities. Not much happens in this sleepy little community except when town organizers turn each holiday into a larger-than-life celebration.

Sheriff Baxter’s father lived by and taught one very important lesson: Let the evidence lead you. On face value, that credo is sound and logical. Rupert Baxter bought into that philosophy wholeheartedly and it was the driving force when he came face to face with his first murder investigation.

Optical illusions such as the ‘Four Perfect Circles’, ‘Parallel Lines’ and the ‘Checkerboard Shadow’ trick the mind. Can there be evidentiary illusions? When you let the evidence lead you, does it always lead you in the right and true direction? If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, isn’t it a duck?

In this intriguing investigation of a small-town murder, Sheriff Baxter follows the evidence to its final and unwavering conclusion. The question is, did the evidence lead him or did he follow an illusion?

Randy L. Hilmer

About Randy L. Hilmer (Austin, Texas Author)

Randy L. Hilmer

Randy L. Hilmer retired from the corporate gaming business in Las Vegas, NV. He earned honorary degrees in college, Kappa Delta Pi and Pi Gamm Mu. He also received his C.P.M. certification in Procurement.

Randy's first novel, Murder Amongst Friends, was years in the making while he researched writing techniques, pitfalls of beginning writers, and searched for an editor. This book was published in 2013 with BFF Spells Murder in 2014, Murder Is An Education in 2015, and Murder Before Pleasure in 2017. In addition, he has written one musical play and one Christmas play.

He also has written three children's book with his son, Ryan, doing the illustrations. These children's book contains a storyline in poetry, an activity, and a coloring section.