No, You Can't be an Astronaut – Why you shouldn't follow your dreams--and what to do instead.

No, You Can't be an Astronaut
186 Pages
Plausible Press
ISBN 1943476578

Follow your dreams, and you'll never work a day in your life. Because that field's not hiring.

In this economy, you don't need reach-for-the-stars platitudes. You need information.

No, You Can't be an Astronaut includes the latest research and self-assessment tools for jobseekers and career-changers alike. A great gift for grads.

Frankie Bow

About Frankie Bow (Hawaii Author)

Frankie Bow

Like Professor Molly, Frankie Bow teaches at a public university. Unlike her protagonist, she is blessed with delightful students, sane colleagues, and a perfectly nice office chair. She believes if life isn’t fair, at least it can be entertaining.In addition to writing murder mysteries, she publishes in scholarly journals under her real name. Her experience with academic publishing has taught her to take nothing personally.