Parchments of Fire

Parchments of Fire
290 Pages
Cricket Cottage Publishing, LLC
ISBN 978-0999122419

Near the island of Antikythera, off the southern coast of Greece, sponge divers discover a 2,000-year-old Roman shipwreck that harbors secrets potentially catastrophic to the public image of Greece. The government of Greece and two criminal organizations will stop at nothing to seize the documents...the criminals to sell them, the government to destroy them. Visiting Harvard classics professor Tobias Romulus Finch becomes the unwilling guardian of the documents, his life now dependent upon finding a solution acceptable to both opposing forces.

John Chaplick

About John Chaplick (Orlando, Florida Author)

John Chaplick

John Chaplick is an elder in the Presbyterian Church and has written this and several other mystery/romance novels all avail on his website @

The book has been reviewed by several Protestant ministers and Catholic Priests and has won a literary award from the Florida Authors and Publishers Association.

John holds a Bachelor's degree from Wesleyan University in Middletown, Connecticut, and an MBA from the University of Michigan. He teaches writing and is an active member of the Florida Writers Association.