PMS Girls

PMS Girls
334 Pages
ISBN 978-1949398489

A Young Adult Psychological Thriller (ages 14+) Perpetual Mercy School for Young Women caters to the uber-rich and powerful. Attending an all-female elite boarding school filled with bullies and inflated egos can be a trying experience. For lonely fifteen-year-old Ari Worthington, it becomes a nightmare when she discovers the unimaginable truth about her new, exotic roommate, Bentley “Jess” Jessup. When Jess’ psychological games push Ari to the brink of sanity, Ari finds herself drowning in lies and danger, unsure who is friend or foe. Torn between preserving her father’s political career and her own self-preservation, Ari must decide if she will be a victim or a survivor. The one thing Ari knows for sure is that “A Worthington never cowers.”

Lisa Alfano

About Lisa Alfano (Lyme, Connecticut Author)

Lisa Alfano

Lisa Alfano is a lifelong New Englander. She enjoys creating twisted characters living in flawed worlds, often finding inspiration for her diverse characters and intriguing plots while strolling the beach near her shoreline CT home. She is a member of SCBWI. Lisa earned her M.B.A. and M.A.R. at Liberty University. PMS Girls, published February 16, 2021 by RhetAskew Publishing, is her debut ya thriller novel. Her second novel, an adult thriller, Fractured Secrets, will be published late 2021-early 2022, also by RhetAskew Publishing. You can connect with Lisa at her Author website: or on Instagram: @la_alfano or Twitter: @AlfanoLisa