Return of the Tolec

Return of the Tolec
191 Pages
ISBN 9781365505379

Santino is a young wizard that has been stuck in his comfortable life. His sensai Stephen sends him on a simple delivery. Santino hears rumors about the ancient slavers and the Tolec's return and follows the rumors into the dwarven mountains.

He is accompanied by an elven thief and his tiny silver dragon. Will the Tolec enslave the world? Find out!

Alyn W. Lewis

About Alyn W. Lewis (Hudson Valley, New York Author)

Alyn W. Lewis

I live in Troy NY. After being diagnosed with Lupus I moved from San Francisco to pursue writing and art. I make all sorts of other things beside writing. I make jewelry, motorcycles, sculpture and anything else I would like to make.

I live with my lovely blue haired wife, two cats, two ferrets, my dog and my neighbor's older dog. My books are fun reads in fantasy realms; wizards, witches, dragons, and monsters.