Touching the Hem – A Biblical Response to Physical Suffering

Touching the Hem
160 Pages
ISBN 978-1620202050

What does God say about suffering? As humans, we are bound to suffer physical affliction on this earth. However, as Christians, what should our response be to that affliction?

Should we simply accept it and stoically go on with our lives? Seek help through prayer, but reject medicine? Attend dramatic healing services? Does God still heal sickness today? If so, how do we access His healing?

Touching the Hem considers these questions and more. It starts with a thorough look upward at God—who He claims to be, what He has done for us in the past, and what He promises to do in the future. It then looks at our circumstances, observing physical affliction through the lens of God’s Word. Only then does it turn the gaze inward, considering our response to physical suffering, and how to live according to biblical principles.

Elizabeth Johnson

About Elizabeth Johnson (Salt Lake City, Utah Author)

Elizabeth Johnson

Elizabeth Johnson was diagnosed with a rare disease, Wegener's Granulomatosis, in April 2007, and God used her illness to completely rearrange her life. She and her husband were married just a few months after her diagnosis. Since Elizabeth was no longer able to work, she spent many hours at home resting and regaining strength. She re-discovered her love of writing and started a blog ministry where she shares thoughts about living with chronic illness, book reviews, and encouragement for Christ-centered living.

She was born in New England, lived in South Carolina for a dozen years, and now enjoys living in the wide open ranges of the intermountain West. She and her husband are currently sojourning in the green desert of Kemmerer, Wyoming, where the elevation is more than twice the population and the number of antelope is higher than the average daily humidity. They are currently helping with a small church plant there, and plan to eventually plant a new church somewhere in the surrounding region.

In addition to church ministry and exploring the wild West, Elizabeth also enjoys creative pursuits such as hand lettering and nature photography, playing the piano and organ, pursuing academic learning, and getting lost in long books. She usually has book project in the works as well. Learn more at on her blog, or connect with on Twitter @DogFurDandelion.