
232 Pages
ISBN 978-1977532572

Off the coast of Charleston, South Carolina New Island was home to many things--among them stories of resilience and rebirth.

New had been home to Frayzer Guthrie, before the depraved events of a night 16 years prior, removed him from his home and the girl that he loved. When business motivates his return, Fray finds that the girl is now a woman and that his feelings for her have remained unchanged. Ellia Taylor was still very much in love with the boy-now man-she’d dreamed of spending the rest of her life with, but how could they ever go back to what they were? Things had changed, and that fact was about more than the passage of time.

New Island was a place of resilience, rebirth… and revelations that would scandalize the names of many powerful families. New Island’s dark tradition was an ugly story that was at last ready to be told.

AlTonya Washington

About AlTonya Washington (Charlotte, North Carolina Author)

AlTonya Washington

AlTonya Washington has been a romance novelist for 14 years. She’s traditionally published with Harlequin’s Kimani Romance imprint, winner of the Romance Slam Jam EMMA Award and two time winner of The Romantic Times Magazine Reviewer's Choice Award.

AlTonya is a mom and works as a Reference Librarian. In 2015, she received scholarly publication for her article An Indie Author in a Library World which appeared in “Self-Publishing and Collection Development: Opportunities and Challenges for Libraries” published by Purdue University Press.

She enjoys a successful indie author career and is best known for her Ramsey/Tesano romantic suspense series.