Postcards from the Future – A Triptych on Humanity's End

Postcards from the Future
277 Pages
ISBN 978-1732848924

Three innovative authors imagine the end of humanity. Postcards From the Future is the remarkable result. Andrew Lark’s “Pollen” is a riveting, multiple point-of-view account of a strange atmospheric phenomenon that destroys humankind’s ability to reproduce, ushering in the extinction of our species. Donald Levin’s “The Bright and Darkened Lands of the Earth” is a gripping tale set in a desperate, post-apocalyptic future where a heroic woman battles ecological and social collapse in an effort to save her tribe—and humanity—from certain annihilation. Wendy Sura Thomson’s “Silo Six” is a suspenseful story of love and survival set far into the future, when the sun begins its transformation into a red giant and scorches the earth into a virtually uninhabitable cinder.

Wendy Sura Thomson

About Wendy Sura Thomson (Detroit, Michigan Author)

Wendy Sura Thomson

Wendy Sura Thomson grew up in Oakland County, Michigan, attending Birmingham Groves before getting degrees from University of Miami and Florida State University: she attended Michigan State before University of Miami and the University of Chicago Graduate School of Business after Florida State.

She spent three decades working in Detroit and Oakland County for General Motors, Electronic Data Systems, A. T. Kearney and Hewlett Packard in a variety of financial and executive positions. She has been on several Boards of Directors for various musical, sailing, sports-related and charitable organizations.

Wendy is currently semi-retired, happily running the back office of one of her son's business around tending to her gardens, her two beloved Irish Setters, her canvas artwork, and - of course - her writing.

Donald Levin

About Donald Levin (Co-Author)

Donald Levin

Andrew C. Lark

About Andrew C. Lark (Co-Author)

Andrew C. Lark

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